Dear friends and family,
One day, demonstrators suddenly blocked many intersections in our city from noon till 4PM. We went out without know that. When we tried to come home, we could not. We ended up staying in that block for more than 4 hours. The situation in this country continues to deteriorate. Those who could leave are leaving. Those who could not leave wish they could. An 11-year-old asked her mother, “Why was I not born in USA?” Most kids at her school hardly learned anything this year! Her parents are anxious about her future. Another girl begged her mother to let her return to China to study. A couple only stays because they think leaving would be worse for them.
Danny encouraged a church leader (20 years older) to start a fellowship for our Spanish-speaking adults. The first meeting went well. Danny is reading a good book on how to interpret the Bible. Pray that God will encourage Danny and continue to build up his servant.
When Manjohn shared part one of the gospel with a group of men, Leung seemed to be convicted and Sherman stopped opposing. He will share with them again on July 11. Please pray that these 2 would understand and repent. On July 29, teams from our church and 2 sister churches will bring the gospel and breakfast to people living in a poor neighborhood. Please pray God will use the teams to express his love and proclaim the gospel. Last month, 12 persons prayed to receive Jesus. Please pray for these new believers.
Carlos (a young man) prayed to receive Jesus in 2016. He wants to follow Jesus, but he has many bad habits. He is trying to change. He spends time daily reading scriptures. Recently, an old man offered to sell him a gold ring at a low price. Carlos replied, “I need money too. Since you need money badly, I will give you all I have with me, but I will not take that ring. It must be stolen.” The man broke down and cried. Then he blessed Carlos! Please pray that God will help Carlos to overcome his bad habits.
In July, missionaries in our field will have a retreat in Mexico. Our flight to Mexico will leave here at 4 PM on July 16, but the opposition plans to have an informal “vote” on the government’s plan to change the constitution. Such a challenge to the government might lead to violence and road closure. Please pray that we would be able to reach the airport in time.
Pray that God would protect us, the believers here and our church from the evil ones.
In September, we shall go back to Canada for home assignment and then retirement. Pray for the believers here as they prepare for our retirement. Pray that God will use us to speak for him at home assignment. Pray for our search for suitable accommodation in or near Toronto. Thank you!
The LORD be with you!
Manjohn and Christina
The C & M A sends us out & fully supports us. Please consider supporting her by sending a contribution to the Global Advance Fund (which pays for the allowance, travel, insurance, etc of all C&MA international workers). You could send a cheque to: The C&MA in Canada, 30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100, Toronto, ON M9W 5T7 with your designation. Alternatively, you could donate online at To give to GAF, under Global Advance Fund, choose Donate. Thank you!