Dear friends and family,
In the last 2 months we needed rest. God gave us time to rest well. For 4 months, Manjohn was harassed by several health issues. Today, he is strong and healthy again. Praise the Lord! Thank you for praying! Christina is well rested too, but she still has a cold. Manjohn’s faith in God’s love and faithfulness was repeatedly tested by disappointing adversity. By God’s help, his faith is fine now. God has demonstrated his love for Manjohn in several tangible ways. He feels blessed.
Manjohn is now convinced that God wants to continue to use him to preach and mentor younger missionaries and pastors after his retirement on March 31. As long as he has health and strength, he will serve the Lord. In the next 2 months, we shall speak 12 times at 8 churches. Please pray God will use us to move believers to serve him in missions.
Ma is a church-planter. (He initially wanted to be a missionary.) He and his wife know the Lord. They have served faithfully in a demanding situation for years. He needs support and encouragement. Manjohn is inclined to help. Please pray that God will so direct Manjohn that he would do what God wants him to. Pray that God will enable Manjohn to communicate well with Ma in Mandarin – Ma’s native language.
Li is going to finish seminary in April. He wants to be a missionary. Manjohn is seeking God’s will concerning helping Li. On January 27, Li and Manjohn will go to a missionary gathering together. Please pray God will direct both of them.
Tomorrow, a gathering to encourage those who were called to the ministry at the Joint Missions Conference (August 2017 in Hamilton) would take place. Gerald Hogenbirk will talk about calling and Manjohn will share how God called him to the ministry. Please pray God will use them to help those who come.
The situation in Venezuela is alarming. One dollar could now be converted to 210,000 BsF! 4 months ago, it was 22,000! Widespread lootings took place outside of big cities. The political situation is very tense after the guy who dropped grenades on the Supreme Court building from a stolen helicopter and his associates were killed by the police. Most people live in fear. Please pray that the believers in Valencia would know God, and trust and obey him in adversity.
The Lord be with you!
Manjohn and Christina
The C & M A sends us out & fully supports us. Please consider supporting her by sending a contribution to the Global Advance Fund (which pays for the allowance, travel, insurance, etc of all C&MA international workers). You could send a cheque to: The C&MA in Canada, 30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100, Toronto, ON M9W 5T7 with your designation. Alternatively, you could donate online at To give to GAF, under Global Advance Fund, choose Donate. Thank you!