Dear friends and family,
In the last 4 weeks, no protest took place! Life seemed to be normal again. Yet, most people are sad! Now, one dollar (US) could be exchanged for 21,000 BsF! Most people do not have enough to eat. Many Chinese parents just sent their kids to schools in China. We do not know anyone who thinks the economy will turn around in 5 years. People who stay do not like to stay. They stay because they think starting all over again in another country is too difficult for them. Believers here need encouragement and hope. We urge them to focus their attention on the return of our great God and Savior, Jesus. Please pray that God would help our people to cherish and long for Christ’s return, rejoice in it, and receive strength from it to persevere at following Jesus. Our money, purchasing power, standard of living, medicine, security and freedom may be taken away but no one can take away our blessed hope!
Danny is growing well as a servant of the Lord. When he faced a powerful temptation, he asked Manjohn for prayer support! That takes humility. That shows that he values obedience to God more than how his mentor looks at him! The Lord helped him! He overcame that temptation. Manjohn was impressed. Thank you for praying for him. Please pray God will provide for his needs and continue to build him up. Pray that God will use him to build up the young generation.
Manjohn taught the congregation how to identify false teachers. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help the leaders to discern correctly and give them courage to protect God’s flock. After months of rest, Sunshine (the mature business man) will serve on the board of our church again. The board members will carry heavy responsibilities after we return to Canada on September 30. Pray that God will watch over them and grant them extra faith, hope, love, wisdom and strength to serve at such a pessimistic environment.
For years, short-term teams from Canada & USA organized our vacation Bible school for children. This summer, no team came. Yet, we had a good V B S! Our own young people, with substantial help from an Alliance church near us ran it. Some parents (who were non-believers) came to church and heard an evangelistic message suitable for them.
On Sept 17 & 24, our people and believers of a sister church will visit seekers who live near that church. Our teams will invite them to an evangelistic service at that church on Oct 1. Breakfast will be serve. Please pray God will use our teams to express his love and spread his gospel.
For our farewell gathering, pray that those who come would realize that God is worthy of our trust and submission. Pray that God will protect us and use us in our last 18 days here. Pray for a smooth trip home. Pray for our home assignment, when we shall share at churches in Canada. Thank you for praying!
The LORD bless you richly!
Manjohn and Christina
The C & M A sends us out & fully supports us. Please consider supporting her by sending a contribution to the Global Advance Fund (which pays for the allowance, travel, insurance, etc of all C&MA international workers). You could send a cheque to: The C&MA in Canada, 30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100, Toronto, ON M9W 5T7 with your designation. Alternatively, you could donate online at To give to GAF, under Global Advance Fund, choose Donate. Thank you!