Dear friends and family,
With the passing of every month, the people here suffer more. 25% are now unemployed! Many have left. Many are going to leave. The mood is depressing.
However, 38 believers from 2 cities traveled more than 3 hours by bus to participate at 2 services at our church on Thursday and Good Friday. We admired their devotion. They willingly spent 2 & 1/2 days of their time, and money on bus, hotel & restaurant food. God blessed them with a clean hotel less than 50 meters from our church! The rate of US $2/night was incredible!
On Thursday, God sent 3 messages to his people: wash one another’s feet, love one another, and aim at perfect unity. On Friday, time spent on meditating Christ’s love for us prepared us to live for Christ who died and rose from the dead for us. Thank you for praying!
The fact that believers from 4 churches, from 3 cities working very well together for the first time in years gave everyone a taste of what Christ desires most from his community. The time we spent together at meals was also beneficial for us. The mood was positive – we felt God’s love for us. We felt God’s presence. We felt encouraged and we had joy! We did not plan this. God overrode our plans and brought it about! Praise the Lord! Thank you very much for praying! Please pray that our people will cooperate with other believers at spreading the gospel in this needy country.
At our Easter service, several seekers heard a presentation of the gospel. A teenager was baptized. Thank you for praying! We attach photos taken then.
The plan to partner with another Alliance church to start a soup kitchen was modified. 10 teams from us will visit needy people, bringing breakfast along. This is a new way to do this. The idea is 100% local. Please pray that God will direct & use this ministry to help the needy.
Your prayer support brought a huge difference here. May God bless you richly! We plan to travel to the capital on Monday to consult our supervisor before we make a major decision. Please pray God will direct us. Pray God will keep us safe and free us from all forms of traffic problems (accidents, demonstrations, check points, etc).
Please pray God would protect us from the evil ones & use us to build up His church.
The LORD be with you!
Manjohn and Christina
The C & M A sends us out & fully supports us. Please consider supporting her by sending a contribution to the Global Advance Fund (which pays for the allowance, travel, insurance, etc of all C&MA international workers). You could send a cheque to: The C&MA in Canada, 30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100, Toronto, ON M9W 5T7 with your designation. Alternatively, you could donate online at To give to GAF, under Global Advance Fund, choose Donate. Thank you!