Dear friends and family,
Inflation is very high. Many could not afford the food they need. Many have lost weight 15 pounds. No one we know thinks the economy would recover in 5 years! One of our mentees is no longer inclined to stay in this country! Two are taking on more jobs to support themselves! Mentoring has slowed down. Then, a self-righteous guy wants other believers to comply with his legalistic expectations. Manjohn was tired.
After 2 weeks of vacation, we came back refreshed. Also, Manjohn was encouraged in various ways.
- A woman told him her friend had responded well to treatment & had been cancer-free for a long time! At her request, Manjohn had been praying for her friend for months.
- After he preached from a psalm, a seeker said he identified 100% with what the bible was saying.
- Manjohn tried to help a man spiritually. Then, he moved to Columbia & is going to church there. His father expressed appreciation for our ministry to his son.
- A believer brought her relative to faith in Christ.
- Last week, 4 believers brought their friend & her 4 children to our church BBQ & later to our service. In the past, “Wa” made it clear she did not want any contact with Jesus. After this step forward, this family is still a long way from faith in Jesus. Please pray for them.
- 11 of our young people went to a Christian camp & came back excited about God. Before going to camp, Jon was a spoiled kid. He doubted God & considered harming himself. After camp, he deleted all games & apps on his iPad, except 2 Christian ones. He wants to know the Bible! Please pray Jesus would help him know God.
- Little Michael liked to go to camp but his mother never let him. He prayed & his mother let him go this time. He learned a lot & came back all excited. Pray that he would continue to grow in Christ.
Thank you very much for praying for us! Your encouragement & prayer support enabled us to stand our ground here.
The church here is witnessing for the Lord. And she is doing a good job handing out rice, corn flour & sugar to needy people.
Please pray God would grant mentee Victoria strong faith & help her to be keep on learning. Danny is developing well as a servant of God. Pray that God will continue to build him up & provide for what he needs. Old Steve, the business man, is eager to serve God. Please pray that he & his wife would grow spiritually.
Leaders & believers of other Chinese churches in Venezuela want to join our service on Good Friday & the day before. Please pray for us as we prepare for these meetings.
Please pray God would protect us from the evil ones & use us to build up His church.
Manjohn and Christina
The C & M A sends us out & fully supports us. She has a substantial deficit. Please consider supporting her by sending a contribution to the Global Advance Fund (which pays for the allowance, travel, insurance, etc of all C&MA international workers). You could send a cheque to: The C&MA in Canada, 30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100, Toronto, ON M9W 5T7 with your designation. Alternatively, you could donate online at To give to GAF, under Global Advance Fund, choose Donate. Thank you!