Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Thanks so much for the way you pray and support us by faith for the past year. We continue to pray for each one of you and His church. May the Lord bless you and keep you as you bless one another in love.
Attached is our March updates. Some of you have expressed the desire to support us directly for our ministry fund and project fund. Just follow the link below and if you have any question please let us know.
We will always remember and give thanks to the Lord in all that you do for His kingdom work.
You could make a one time or monthly donation to our fund at:
click Donate to Victor and Betty’s funds and projects.
For GAF support you can write in the box – Support of Victor and Betty Chin(To support our living allowance)
*For our ministry fund you can write in the box- Work of Victor and Betty Chin
*For Mexico church plant project fund just write – Mexico City Metro Church project
If you do donate * items please let us know the date and amount that you donated; so that we could keep track donation of these * items.
Thanks again and God bless you.
Rev. Victor Chin and Betty Chin
IWs in Mexico City, Mexico