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Pastor Faith Lee and 5 brothers & sisters from Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church short term mission team visited us and serve Mandarin Chinese professional families on May 8-13. Thank you for their faithful service and support from Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church.
First parenting workshop on May 9. We had meaningful dialogue with these mothers.
Second parenting workshop on May 10.
Mother’s Day Celebration on May 11.
I attended 35th national church annual meeting with Mexico team on May 20-23. National church published “History of the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Mexico, 1947-1995 (Historia de La Alianza Cristiana y Misionera en La Repúblic de México, 1947-1995)”. The book witnesses the saving work of our LORD in Mexica. The guest speaker is Rev. Antonio Sariñana who shared the message of “Deep (Eph. 3:16-19).” I am grateful to connect local Alliance pastors and their families and practice Spanish.
Business session.
Our Mexico team leader, Rev. Blake Penson introduced International Workers and their ministries in Mexico.
National church divides Mexico into 7 districts. It is the highlight of the annual meeting for all participants prayed for the pastors and the ministry of the districts individually.
The C&MA in Canada partners with Teach Beyond and United World Mission to operate BridgeWay which is an international school in Mexico City. The school is in process of recruiting teachers. If you know of anyone who would be interested in teaching in an international Christian school, please forward this link to them or show it to your congregation,
Prayer Items:
[1] Pray for spiritual growth and unity of the C&MA churches in Mexico.
[2] My mother church, Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church will send a short term mission team to visit us on June 5-9. Pray for their health and safety for the trip. God will use them to bless Mandarin Chinese Professional families.
[3] Thank you for the prayer for my car fund. God is gracious. He provides sufficient fund for me to purchase a car, so that I DON’T need to raise car fund. Pray for wisdom and patience to buy a suitable car and meet the budget.
[4] I connected 3 ladies to learn basic Spanish at my place on Wednesday morning. Pray for relationship buildup with them.
[5] Chinese team prepares Alpha course for 4 ladies at my place on Thursday morning. Pray for the Holy Spirit moves their hearts.
Contact information in Mexico City:
New E-mail:
Skype: anne.louie
Internet phone: 416-642-9555
Your Friend,
Anne Louie
Developing relationships that produce transformational movements expressed through kingdom communities among the most spiritually neglected in Latin America and the Caribbean.
I am serving with Victor & Betty to plant Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church in Santa Fe.
If you want to support me and the ministry, please go to the link
Step 1: Fill out “Donation Details”
Step 2: Fill out “Donor & Tax Receipt Information”
Step 3: Fill out “Payment Information”
Step 4: Fill out “Dedication Information” (if necessary)
Step 5: Click “Complete Donation Now”
Funding Needs:
- Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church (help us to plant Chinese church in Santa Fe)
- Anne’s Support (it is Global Advance Fund which allows me to serve in Mexico)
- Anne Louie’s Outfit Fund (basic needs for setting up my home in Mexico City)
- Anne Louie’s Car Fund (for the ministry and personal use)
- Anne Louie’s Work fund (pay for ministry expense that is not covered by Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church fund)
Thank you very much for your prayer and support!!!