PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THIS PUBLICLY, on social media or other website, but feel welcome to share this content in church bulletin, on church boards, and with trusted friends interested in praying for the ministry and I.
I am so thankful for safe journey back to Toronto last Saturday evening. For precautions, I wore mask & face shield. It is not a pleasant experience to wear them around 5 hours in the plane. I appreciate the sacrifice of front line workers who wears PPE for so many hours a day to serve us. I am staying in a basement for 2 weeks quarantine. God is faithful. He sends many people to help me for the trip, e.g. GM office, member care, Eastern Canadian District, IHM, Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church (my home church), Mexico City teammates, your prayer…
The park is closed almost 5 months and it is re-opened partially recently. The facility is closed and only open area & restaurants are available. I am so glad to meet friends & children in the park. My friends and I am so happy for the availability of the park. For precaution, a park caretaker will check people’s temperature at the park entrance. Also, some circles are drawn in the field to keep social distancing.
The pandemic hits the economy in Mexico seriously. Many people lost their job and do not have enough money to support their families. I am so thankful for my friend who donates used clothing & shoes for the community.
[1] Z invites her elder sister to join our virtual bible study and Sunday gathering. Her name is R. She is living in Asia. She heard about Jesus. Pray for her to have deeper relationship with Jesus.
[2] F will go back to his hometown on Sept 11. Pray for safe journey and he will continue to seek our Lord. Also, he needs to find a job after he reunites with his family.
[3] The President’s Report will be publicly stream on the C&MA Facebook on August 27 at 12:00 p.m. EDT. The Report will feature our three strategic drivers: Culture, Nurture, and Venture.
[4] I will have physical examination and doctor appointment after quarantine. Pray for testing and the result.
[5] I will have sharing via social media. Pray for sharing & fellowship with Alliance family:) and website ( will have sharing via social media. Pray for sharing & fellowship with Alliance family:
Aug 30 Chinese Evangelical Alliance Church of Toronto
Sept 2 Prayer meeting (Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church)
Sept 6 Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church
Sept 11 Alliance Women (Vancouver Chinese Alliance Church)
Sept 13 Toronto Chinese Alliance Church
Contact information in Mexico City:
New E-mail: Skype: anne.louie Internet phone: 416-642-9555
Your Friend, Anne Louie Developing relationships that produce transformational movements expressed through kingdom communities among the most spiritually neglected in Latin America and the Caribbean.
I am serving with Victor & Betty to plant Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church in Santa Fe. If you want to support me and the ministry, please go to the link
Step 1: Fill out “Donation Details”
Step 2: Fill out “Donor & Tax Receipt Information”
Step 3: Fill out “Payment Information”
Step 4: Fill out “Dedication Information” (if necessary)
Step 5: Click “Complete Donation Now” Funding Needs:
- Anne’s Support (it is Global Advance Fund which allows me to serve in Mexico)
- Anne Louie’s Work fund (pay for ministry expense that is not covered by Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church fund)
- Anne Louie’s Outfit Fund (basic needs for setting up my home in Mexico City)
- Anne Louie’s Car fund (pay for major car maintenance)
- Mexico City Chinese Allian