


Brief Bio:周曉暉牧師出生於香港,一歲時隨父母往台灣宣教,十歲時舉家回港。因學制差異,認識到自己的限制,更體會主恩夠用,於宣道園舉行的小學畢業營中認真信主,在高中時受浸。





Pastor Daniel Yang   
National Director
Churches of Welcome, World Relief

Brief Bio: Pastor Daniel Yang is the National Director of Churches of Welcome: World Relief. He served as Director of the Church Multiplication Institute, leading and overseeing all of its initiatives. He has pastored and planted churches in Detroit, Dallas-Fort Worth, Toronto, and Chicago. Prior to vocational ministry, Daniel was an engineer for eight years. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He’s also the co-author of Inalienable: How Marginalized Kingdom Voices Can Help Save the American Church (InterVarsity, May 2022).

Rev. Darren Herbold

President, The Alliance Canada

Brief Bio: Reverend Darren Herbold has served The Alliance Canada for over 15 years. Part of his ministry has been in Thailand and Southeast Asia as international worker and regional developer. As the new president, he has a passion to see The Alliance Canada thrive as a Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, and Mission-focused movement.

Rev. Darren Herbold was born on August 17, 1979. He is married to Naomi, and they have three children. In 2014, Rev. Herbold, and his wife, Naomi were sent as international workers to Thailand where they served for over eight years. In 2015, they were appointed as team leaders, and in 2019, as regional developers, providing leadership and oversight to the region. In the past four years, Rev. Herbold has also served on the Board of Directors.

With significant experience in entrepreneurial business, Rev. Herbold founded and directed an international charitable organization, For Freedom International, which focuses on anti-trafficking, community development, and gospel multiplication efforts in Southeast Asia.

Rev. Herbold graduated from Covenant Bible College in Strathmore, Alberta, Canada, with a Certificate in Christian Studies. He has a B.A. in Religion and Theology from the Taylor University College in Edmonton, Alberta, and a degree in Global Studies from Liberty University in the USA with high distinction.

Elected at the General Assembly on July 7, 2022, Rev. Herbold will serve a four-year term, starting August 1, 2022. He envisions to expand the fame of Jesus by adapting structures, systems, and strategies of The Alliance Canada to unleash the latent creative potential God has placed within us today while simultaneously preparing us for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.



Brief Bio:王欽慈牧師出生於台灣,成長於阿根廷,阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯大學(Universidad de Buenos Aires)土木工程學士後,到美國繼續求學,取得土木工程碩士,博士學位。在紐約,紐澤西等地擔任橋梁設計工程師14年,王牧師從美國伯特利神學院美東分校(Bethel Seminary of the East) 畢業後,於2002年開始在法拉盛第一浸信會擔任牧職服事。負責教會中文與西班牙文部牧養事工,直至擔任本會國際副總主任止。2013年獲得三一神學院 (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) 跨文化宣教學博士學位。宣教教學是王牧師另一事奉路線,他曾經在美國東北部多所神學院兼課教學,並在南美洲阿根廷和玻利維亞,並西班牙等地神學院教導密集神學課程。此外也教導英文、中文和西班牙文的宣教展望課程 (Perspectives on the World Christian Movement) 並曾擔任授予學分的延伸教師 (Professor of Record)。


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