I am so thankful I moved to a one-bedroom apartment in Santa Fe on September 9th. God is faithful. He listened our prayer and His provision is out of my expectation. The apartment is clean & quiet. A beautiful park is just opposite of the building. Supermarkets are close to my place. The building where I stay is we have weekly women bible study group. About 600 Huawai employees and their families are living in the community. Most of them do not know Jesus. Santa Fe does not have Chinese church to reach out them.
Mexican people celebrated Independence Day on September 16th. Their fathers sacrificed their lives to fight for freedom from Spanish occupation 208 years ago. I pray for one day all Mexican people will follow Jesus Christ who sacrificed Himself on the cross for their eternal freedom.
Grace and her husband are Christians and they have three young children. She said, “Before I married him, I thought he was a good man but he is not.” “I know it is not good to argue with my husband. How do I get rid of bitterness from my heart?
Cindy is not a Christian but she attends Spanish class and women bible study group regularly. Her husband is not Christian too. She said, “I am so disappointed in my husband.” “He (his husband) made mistakes and I paid the cost.”
Prayer Items:
[1] Mexico team has over 10 international workers. Chinese ministry is part of the ministries in Mexico. My teammates are serving Mexicans in Mexico City and the other cities. Pray for protection and provision from God to individuals, their families and the ministries. May many Mexicans be blessed through their faithful testimony!
[2] Grace and her husband experience forgiveness and healing from God. Grace’s father will receive treatment for lung cancer. Pray for he is willing to know Jesus and follow Him.
[3] God reveals Himself to Cindy and her husband, so that they realize ONLY Jesus Christ can transform them and revive their marriage.
[4] Victor & Betty and I are living in Santa Fe. Pray for God’s guidance and blessing of our homes as a place to bring access for people come to know our Saviour.
[5] Pray for us as a team working together with our unique gifts in Chinese church planting in Santa Fe.
We send Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church bi-weekly update. If you are interesting to receive the update and pray for us and the ministry in regular basis, please let me know.
Your Friend,
Anne Louie
Developing relationships that produce transformational movements expressed through kingdom communities among the most spiritually neglected in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Email address: saupinglouie@gmail.com
National Ministry Centre (NMC) is moving!
Effective July 1, 2018, the NMC’s new address will be:
7560 Airport Road, Unit 10, Mississauga, ON L4T 4H4
Phone no: 416-674-7878
I am serving with Victor & Betty to plant Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church in Santa Fe.
If you want to support me and the ministry, please go to the link https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/donate.aspx?eventid=182378
Step 1: Fill out your information for your tax-deductible receipt
Step 2: Designate your gift – Select “Anne Louie” from the dropdown menu
Step 3: Select one of Anne’s funds from the dropdown menu
Step 4: Enter your payment information – you may make a one time gift or choose a monthly gift that is automatically given and received. A tax deductible receipt is automatically issued to your email address.
Funding Needs:
- Global Advance Fund (bread and butter allowing me to serve in Mexico)
- Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church (help us to plant Chinese church in Santa Fe)
- Anne Louie’s Work fund (pay for ministry expense that is not covered by Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church)
- Anne Louie’s Car Fund (for the ministry and personal use)
- Anne Louie’s Outfit Fund (basic needs for setting up my home in Mexico City)
Thank you very much for your prayer and support!!!