PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THIS PUBLICLY, on social media or other website, but feel welcome to share this content in church bulletin, on church boards, and with trusted friends interested in praying for the ministry and I.

1) Mexico has reopened and the pandemic is serious. Shopping malls, restaurants, open markets, etc are back to business.
2) I am grateful I have virtual bible study with Z again. She told me what she prayed for. She prayed for her family and friends too. Her life is changed from self-centred to others. The work of the Holy Spirit is marvelous.
3) I joined virtual prayer meetings from Scarborough Chinese Alliance Church and North Toronto Chinese Alliance Church. I shared current situation in Mexico and ministry update. I am thankful for praying with them for the lost. I appreciate their faithful prayer for Chinese people here and I.

[1] Pray for the leadership of the President of Mexica, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and city councils. They have strength and wisdom to handle reopening and the pandemic.
[2] Pray for spiritual growth of Z and the testimony to her family and friends. Her sister is living with elderly parents in their home town. It is challenge for her to be a caregiver and look for a job. Pray for Z to share about the Lord with her sister.
[3] F moved to a new place where it is near the airport because the rental contract is expired. Pray for him to settle and continue to seek the Lord.
[4] I will join virtual Alliance Women gathering from Vancouver Chinese Alliance Church on August 14th. Pray for my ministry sharing and fellowship with ladies.
[5] Raise a Hallelujah will be on July 30th at 1:00 p.m. (EDT). It is hosted by Global Ministries and some international workers. The event will be publicly streamed on Facebook (@CMAllianceinCanada) and website (
[6] I will go back to Toronto on August 22nd. Firstly, I will have 14-days quarantine, secondly, medical follow-up & ministry sharing. I will go back to Mexico City on September 26th if medical report is fine. If you and/or your church are interesting to know the work of God to Mandarin Chinese Professionals in Mexico City, please contact me. Pray for safe journey and the life in Toronto.

Contact information in Mexico City:
New E-mail:
Skype: anne.louie
Internet phone: 416-642-9555

Your Friend,
Anne Louie
Developing relationships that produce transformational movements expressed through kingdom communities among the most spiritually neglected in Latin America and the Caribbean.

I am serving with Victor & Betty to plant Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church in Santa Fe.
If you want to support me and the ministry, please go to the link
Step 1: Fill out “Donation Details”
Step 2: Fill out “Donor & Tax Receipt Information”
Step 3: Fill out “Payment Information”
Step 4: Fill out “Dedication Information” (if necessary)
Step 5: Click “Complete Donation Now”
Funding Needs:
- Anne’s Support (it is Global Advance Fund which allows me to serve in Mexico)
- Anne Louie’s Work fund (pay for ministry expense that is not covered by Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church fund)
- Anne Louie’s Outfit Fund (basic needs for setting up my home in Mexico City)
- Anne Louie’s Car fund (pay for major car maintenance)
- Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church (help us to plant Chinese church in Santa Fe)