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Ps. Daniel& Melody Wu with their beautiful infant daughter (front row) and two Christians (beside me) visited the Chins & I on Christmas Eve. Daniel & Melody are missionaries of Go International and minister a local Chinese church (Iglesia Cristiana China de México). I am thankful for the gathering to support one another.

It is my favourite place in the park. I like to sit under the tree, enjoy sunshine/breeze and quiet time with God and myself. It is precious moment to reflect & foresee the ministry & my personal life.
I am thankful for my first Christmas & new year celebration in Mexico City: had fun with colleagues & friends, dinner with a family in New Year Eve, reflection & rest, went to a hospital with a young grandmother for her doctor appointments (unexpected incident).
The highlight in 2019: unexpected surgery, Mexican culture & environment adaptation, team work, friendship with some Mandarin Chinese professional families. It is not easy to learn new things & deal with challenges, lot of up & down but God is gracious. His grace is out of my expectation.
I am excited for the arrival of 2020 which is an adventure for me to explore.
Prayer Items:
[1] Pray for strength & wisdom to serve Mandarin Chinese professionals in Mexico City.
[2] I meet mother Z. on Thursday morning to pray and study the Bible. I am thankful for her hunger to know Jesus Christ deeper. It is a wrestle for her and her husband to bring up their eldest daughter who is 9 years old. Pray for her spiritual growth. The couple has wisdom & patience to walk along with their eldest daughter & 3 little kids.
[3] I went to the park with mother A. & her infant daughter few weeks ago. She said, “Anne, you are a very special person.” We started the conversation from my life journey to Jesus. I plan to go to the park with her once a week to continue the conversation. Pray for God open her heart to eager to know our Lord.
[4] Pray for the family & ministry of Ps. Daniel & Melody.
[5] I will go back to Toronto on July 4-25 for medical travel to follow up the surgery for the thyroid on Feb last year. I like to meet you and/or group setting to share Mandarin ministry in Mexico City when I am in Toronto. If you and/or your church are interesting to know the work of God to Mandarin Chinese professionals in Mexico City, please contact me.

Albert Ng and Seung Jai Paek design Lunar New Year issue for Canada Post. They did great job. The stamp depicts a happily married RAT couple. The first day of Lunar New Year is on January 25th. Wishing all my Chinese friends & families having Blessed Year of RAT
Contact information in Mexico City:
New E-mail:
Skype: anne.louie
Internet phone: 416-642-9555
Your Friend,
Anne Louie
Developing relationships that produce transformational movements expressed through kingdom communities among the most spiritually neglected in Latin America and the Caribbean.
I am serving with Victor & Betty to plant Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church in Santa Fe.
If you want to support me and the ministry, please go to the link
Step 1: Fill out “Donation Details”
Step 2: Fill out “Donor & Tax Receipt Information”
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Step 4: Fill out “Dedication Information” (if necessary)
Step 5: Click “Complete Donation Now”
Funding Needs:
- Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church (help us to plant Chinese church in Santa Fe)
- Anne’s Support (it is Global Advance Fund which allows me to serve in Mexico)
- Anne Louie’s Outfit Fund (basic needs for setting up my home in Mexico City)
- Anne Louie’s Work fund (pay for ministry expense that is not covered by Mexico City Chinese Alliance Church fund)