April 22nd is a special and important day in my life because I am ordained in my home church, Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church. We celebrated the greatness and kindness of God. Thank you for the presence and gifts of my family and friends. Their love and support is nurturing my life.
Dr. & Mrs. John & Connie Healey. Dr. Healey is the C&MA Eastern Canadian District Superintendent. He officiated the ordination ceremony. Thank you very much!
Rev. & Mrs. Manjohn & Christina Wong (the C&MA retired IWs). The message of Rev. Wong is “Don’t Get Discouraged. Don’t Give Up” (2 Corinthians 4). Thank you for the encouraging message. Their life is living out how to follow God faithfully.
The pastoral team and their spouses of Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church. Thank you for their faithful support to mission.
The elder board of Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church. Since I attended the church in 1992, the congregation accept me, love me and support me. I appreciate their sacrifice for the kingdom of God.
Santa Fe is a major business district of Mexico City and located in the west side of the city. Victor and Betty had first women group in that area in April 19th. The feedback is good. Praise the Lord!
Prayer Items:
[1] God will continue to anoint me with His Spirit and continue to guide me every step ahead.
[2] Visa application.
[3] The well-being and safety of Victor and Betty. God will open the door for them to reach out many Mandarin speaking Chinese professionals and their families in Santa Fe.
[4] The participation of short-term mission teams.
[5] Work fund (meeting place rental): $ 8,000.00 per year
[6] Car fund: $ 9,000.00
[7] My speaking engagements in May:
6 Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church
13 Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church
20 Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church
27 Cornerstone Chinese Alliance Church
Your Friend,
Anne Louie
Developing relationships that produce transformational movements expressed through kingdom communities among the most spiritually neglected in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Funding Needs:
- Global Advance Fund
- Anne Louie’s Work Fund (meeting place rental): $ 8,000.00 per year
- Car fund: $ 9,000.00
Please specific in memo which fund you support and
- Send the cheque to: The C&MA Canada, 30 Carrier Drive, Suite 100, Toronto, ON M9W 5T7.
- The C&MA online donation (www.cmacan.org).
Updated Contact information in Toronto:
Email: saupinglouie@gmail.com