Thank you for praying for Hassi and Amadou. Construction on their new house is complete and they have started moving in. Join us in thanking God that their son, Emmanuel, passed his grade 9 exam! This is a big step in a country with a literacy rate of 17%.
Thank you for also praying for the safe arrival of our teammates. The Camerons and the Haensels landed in Niger on August 26 without any issues and are currently in quarantine. Please pray for their transition to a new time zone, a hotter climate, and the different demands of life in Niger.
September means school and our daughters will be starting very soon. Iyla’s first day of grade 11 in class is this Friday, and Elise begins university with a mix of in-class and online instruction on September 9. They are excited and nervous. Please pray for peace, a smooth entry, and a safe year.
As we think about school, our hearts are also heavy as we have learned since our last update that Sahel Academy, the missionary kids’ school Elise & Iyla attend when in Niger, has completely flooded. Part of the campus is pictured above. A Bible school, 26,000 homes, and 5 hectares of fields along the Niger River are also flooded. Please pray for physical rest and emotional restoration of those who worked so hard to evacuate families and salvage school materials. Please also pray for Sahel Academy administrators as they make decisions regarding the relocation and reopening of the school, which was to start today. Please ask our Good Father to grant them much wisdom, unity, and grace.
Thank you for upholding us, our team, and the country of Niger
Cecilia & Ace (with Elise and Iyla)
The Cheungs in Niger:
BP 12257 Niamey, Niger
In Canada: