Hot season is upon us and we have some brave Canadian friends from Scarborough Community Alliance Church and Fraser Lands Church visiting us for the week.
They will experience various aspects of our Team’s ministries and get a taste of our day-to-day lives in Niger. Please pray that they would take in all that God has in store for them and that the Nigeriens they meet would sense an increased presence of Christ through their visit.
As temperatures are climbing to the mid-40s during the day, please also pray for stamina and good health.
May our Heavenly Father bless you as you be His presence to the ends of the world wherever you are today!
Ace & Cecilia
The Cheungs in Niger: 011-227-99-58-54-28 and in Canada: 1-587-921-4228 #138, Rue KK 85 Niamey BP 12257 Niger